Umubano Primary School; A Project After its Own Context in Kigali by MASS Design Group

Ian Mutuli
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Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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Mass Design Group worked alongside a UK charity, A Partner In Education (APIE) to build Umubano primary school in the Kabeza community in Kigali, Rwanda’s capital. The project was to be in line with the charitable organization’s main objective of raising the standard of education in Africa. The school was opened by H.E President Paul Kagame in July 2011, to replace the previous facilities which were in terrible state. Mass Design Group had to choose the next location and design a rationally arranged educational institution with limited funds. The fruit of this endeavor indicates that with relatively moderate resources it is possible to build magnificent environments for African children’s education.

The architects focused on contextualization, with a goal of designing a school that fits in its context to inspire and integrate the community. It’s one thing to design a school, and it’s another thing to design a school with architecture that the local people can relate to, love and even give themselves to ensure the project succeeds.

Mass Design Group is not new in Rwanda. A few years ago they were a hit in major news publications for their design of the Butaro Hospital in the rocky hills of Burera District. It is a project so revered today especially for its contextualism, and secondly for its involvement of Rwanda’s masons who cut lava rock into formidable stones to see the success of the project.

Umubano Primary School derives much from the hilly landscape on which it is sited; gracefully falling and rising with the contours. People walk to do their errands across terraced agricultural land up and down the hilly landscape of Kabeza. The school of such living is reflected in the way the kids don't have much buy into their school day as it is so naturally sewn into their daily lives with outdoor classrooms.

One of the intentions by MASS was to hand over a school that the community would totally relate to and they do this with their unique settings for learning. The organizational structure of education will include a mix of interior rooms, exterior teaching areas and terraced play spaces.

The materials used in this project are brick and papyrus reeds to cut down on transportation cost since these are found within the neighborhood. Further, the architects use of local materials cuts off the use of imported materials which sometimes are contextually inappropriate. Even better, the construction boosted the region’s economy by encouraging construction professionals and residents to embrace the local market.

Local expertise was used in this project that employs natural ventilation strategies including thatched doors and holes in the walls inspired by brick patterns across the structures. The use of vierendeel trusses also ensured the roof structure that slopes at a 10-degree angle creates clerestory lighting that reduces energy consumption.

Limestone blocks were used to design the terracing and the retaining walls making the school an unique landmark in Kabeza. The school is also receiving a lot of attention as it is at the moment. There has also been the organization of evening classes for adults with an aim of promoting literacy level in the society.

The project was meant to accommodate 300 schools at peak and has 7 buildings, with 9 classrooms, library, computer laboratory, some kitchen and an office space. With proper care the school could survive for longer than its expected 30 year legal life span.

Check out more architectural inspiration by exploring Mahiga Hope High School Rainwater Court, Nyeri Kenya.

Project Information
Architects: MASS Design Group
Client: A Partner in Education (APIE)
Financier: Brooks Newmark, MP Essex, UK.
Location: Kabeza, Kigali, Rwanda
Staff Leads: Sierra Bainbridge (Project Manager), Michael Murphy (Director), Alan Ricks, Garret Ganter
Conception: 2007
Construction: MAR 2009 - JUL 2011
Project Value: $350K USD
Size: 900 sq.m.
Consultants: Ujenge Construction and Engineering
Photography: MASS Design Group

Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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