An accurate representation of the Roaring Twenties, Art Deco architecture is a unique blend of luxury and functionality. But what makes it stand out among other architectural styles? This article will review the history of the Greek revival architectural style and its features and importance, as well as some of the architectural examples of this style throughout history and in the present. Let’s dive right in!
What Is Art Deco Architecture?
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Art Deco architecture is a style of architecture and design that emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by bold geometric shapes, lavish ornamentation, and new materials such as stainless steel and plastic. It came after the Art Nouveau style, also known as Style Moderne. The style started as a decorative arts movement that quickly spread across Western Europe and the United States.
Art Deco architecture was named after the Paris’ 1925 Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts (Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes).
Outside of architecture, Art Deco also refers to fashion. Art Deco fashion also emerged in the 1920s and 1930s. Like in architecture, the fashion emphasized modernity and luxury and often featured intricate beading, sequins, and other embellishments. The trend was set for the rich population, and it was worn especially during nightwear and other ceremonial occasions.
As far as architecture is concerned, the style has derived intense inspiration from the machine age and modern technology. It usually involved stylized motifs borrowed from ancient cultures belonging to the Egyptian and East Asian worlds. The style is identified with buildings ranging from skyscrapers and office structures to theaters, hotels, and apartment homes.
The Art Deco period will transport you to the post-World War II period since it was experienced during great economic growth and transformation. Socially, it has links to the post-war bourgeoisie, who desired a new architecture that would symbolize their success.
But what was responsible for popularizing the style? The answer resides in the attributes’ characteristics demonstrated by the following.
Key Characteristics Of the Art Deco Architecture
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Suppose you are walking around your city trying to spot Art Deco buildings; here are the characteristics you should find.
a) Geometric Shapes
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One of the most recognizable characteristics of Art Deco architecture is its use of bold, geometric shapes. Famous architects of the time incorporated geometric patterns and shapes, such as circles, triangles, and zigzags, into the design of buildings or structures.
Applying these shapes brought into play motion, energy, interest, and glamour into this sight. The forms were frequently slightly abstract and very figurative to evoke the air of the contemporary idea of some inventions.
If looking at geometric shapes you will find that the Art Deco design is related to geometric shapes in Gothic architecture. They both incorporate geometric shapes in their design but they incorporate them in different ways, and for different reasons.
Unlike the Art Deco style, Gothic architecture uses geometric shapes in a more structural and functional way. The pointed arch, for example, is a distinctive feature of Gothic architecture used to create a sense of height and grandeur, to increase the amount of light inside the building, and to distribute weight more effectively.
In short, Art Deco geometric elements are primarily for aesthetics, while Gothic’s are structural because they create harmony, balance, and support the weight of all building structures.
b) Ornamentation
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Another defining characteristic of Art Deco architecture is its use of lavish ornamentation. It is worth to note that the architects applied more intricate ornamental patterns and designs to the constructions; these were solar radiation patterns and jagged and chevron patterns. This feature affirmed the elegance of the place and was often created with expensive materials: marble, chrome, and glass.
c) Materials
An Art Deco building incorporated new materials such as stainless steel and plastic which began to come into use during the 1920s and 1930. These materials were employed to support new constructions modernity and innovation and were accompanied by brick and stone. Also due to the utilization of new types of materials, the architects were able to design new forms and elaborate shapes.
d) Symmetrical Design
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As stated above, Art Deco architecture was employed more in the more affluent societies and insisted on a measure of opulence. To do this, the use of symmetry in designs by the architects was not only intended to produce beautiful and harmonious buildings but also to balance aesthetics harmoniously.
Most Art Deco-style architectural designs were common in large-scale commissions, such as government buildings, hotels, and department stores. These buildings often had to convey the image of the institution they were used by or target the high-end market. Thus, creating a balance in such kinds of buildings also contributed to creating the sign of formality and significance.
e) Windows
Art Deco windows incorporated metal frames, which may have included stainless steel or aluminum, a relatively new product at the time of Art Deco. The shapes that define them are geometric and usually linear and vertical, making buildings look less broad and taller. Geometric patterned shapes in windows also correlate with overall plan geometric shapes in Art Deco architecture to enhance a comprehensive visual appearance.
Large glass plates are a typical feature of Art Deco Windows, they contributed to establishing transparency and openness of interiors, letting sunlight in. It not only assists efficiency in limiting the use of artificial lights but also assist in establishing visual continuity between the indoors and the outdoors of the structure.
f) Parapets and Spires
A parapet is a low wall atop a roof or along the edge of a terrace. In Art Deco, parapets are often used to create a sense of drama and excitement and a sense of movement and flow in the design of the building.
A spire is a tall, slender tower or pinnacle often used as a decorative architectural element. In Art Deco, spires were often used to create a sense of height and grandeur.
Examples of Art Deco Buildings
Now that you know how to identify Art Deco elements, here are some classical buildings and structures inspired by the Art Deco movement.
1. The Empire State Building
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The Empire State Building, located in New York City, is a prime example of Art Deco architecture. Completed in 1931, the building was designed by architects Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon and was the tallest building in the world at the time of its completion.
The building includes geometric shapes with apparent forms and shapes to dominate the building structure, especially the spire. However, architectural balance is also observed through the symmetry of the construction, where the middle part of the building is framed by numerous setbacks.
In this connection, the use of Art Deco design elements in the construction of the Empire State Building not only enhances the architectural beauty of the building but is also quite effective in explaining the indeed utilitarian role accomplished by this building as the epitome of American advance and the American spirit of prosperity. It is among the few famous landmarks globally and can still attract many tourists with its attractive plan, constructing dominant New York’s skyline.
2. The Chrysler Building
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The Chrysler Building, found in New York City, was completed in 1930 and was the tallest building in the world until the completion of the Empire State Building the following year. Architect William Van Alen designed the building.
It is another building that beautifully portrays the Art Deco style, especially with its numerous ornamentations such as eagles, hubcaps, and hood ornaments. The building sports Art Deco interior design, especially the stepped profile that uses recessed upper floors, giving the structure more visual height.
The building’s steel frame is clad in a combination of terracotta and stainless steel. The terracotta was used to create the building’s decorative elements, while the stainless steel was used to develop a sense of modernity and reflect the fast-paced nature of the era in which it was built. The Chrysler building is an architectural masterpiece in the US.
3. Christ The Redeemer Statue
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The famous Christ, the Redeemer statue of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a prime example of Art Deco architecture. It stands 98 feet tall and is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone. The statue was finished in 1931, and the sculptor was French Paul Landowski, under the collaboration of Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa.
One can see that Art Deco has found its reflection in the geometric triangle, although more scant in comparison to other figures, still present in the outstretched arms of the statue. Besides, the body of the statue is modeled as uniform and balanced in such a way as to stress a strict proportion.
Lastly, the carving on the statue is in Art Deco style of work. Even the fold and the texture of the figure’s robe, the choice of materials used, and the reinforced concrete and soapstone all point to the timeless modernism of the structure.
4. The Chicago Board of Trade Building
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The Chicago Board of Trade Building, located in Chicago, Illinois, was completed in 1930. The Art Deco building was designed by architects Holabird & Root and was the tallest building in Chicago at its completion.
Their coherence can be recognized with the help of such crucial characteristics of the building’s design as the prevalence of vertical lines that make the building seem high and majestic. The stonework has slender vertical piers typical of the Art Deco style and is used to represent a feeling of either vertical or horizontal movement.
The friezes, which form a part of the overall construction of the building as well as the ornamentations, describe commerce history. It also proudly displays the Ceres at the top of the building. These architectural details belong to the Art Deco style, concentrating on geometrical patterns, stylized plant motifs, and thematically rich ornaments.
Lastly, the building has a steel frame coupled with limestone cladding used on the protruding designs. Therefore, the materials remain informative and show rather good use of Art Deco while emphasizing the solidity and indissolubility of the building.
5. The Daily Express Building
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The Daily Express Building in Manchester, England, was completed in 1939. The building was designed by architect Sir Owen Williams and is one of the finest examples of Art Deco architecture in the United Kingdom.
Also, it is important to mention that the building is dominated by black and glass. Most of the exterior parts of the building are black, giving the edifice a sleek outlook, which suits the function of the building, a newspaper house. Lighting is also an important aspect of the building, and the large glass surfaces allow natural lighting to penetrate, creating a feeling of opaqueness.
Latterly, the building patterns are even-sided and possess symmetry, one of the most important facets of the Art Deco style. The building has a clear central axis based on the oriented doorway and a consecutive arrangement of window openings.
6. The Chapman Building
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The Chapman Building, designed by architect Morien Eugene Durfee for Fullerton Mayor Charles Clarke (CC) in California, is a prime example of the Art Deco style in American architecture. The building was completed in the 1920s, during the height of the Art Deco movement.
Perhaps the most prominent visual characteristic of the building is that it has an emphasis on the verticals. The building is six donkeys and has a row of vertical piers along the facade, which is typical for Art Deco and reflects its desire to be slender and contemporary. There is also heavy use of large and evenly distributed window spaces, which are perfect for natural lighting.
Some of the elements of the building’s façade have employed brick and masonry that has been painted, and the architectural details are made of terra cotta, corbels, and cable moldings. These materials produce the geometrical patterns on the face of the building, which thereby brings out the framework of the design.
7. The Edificio Kavanagh
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The Edificio Kavanagh, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is a prime example of the Art Deco style blended with rationalist architecture. The building was completed in the 1930s.
One of the building’s most notable design elements is its height. The building stands 31 stories tall, which was an impressive feat of engineering for its time, and it was the tallest building in South America when it was completed. Local architects Gregorio Sanchez, Ernesto Lagos, and Luis Maria de la Torre effectively incorporated Art Deco with rationalist style, Art Deco stressing ornamental decoration and the extensive use of materials like marble, granite, and glass as opposed to rationalist style that was regarded as functional, simple geometric shaped sculptures.
The interiors of the building are equally fancy and rich in decoration, with a marble floor, a frescoed ceiling, and a humidified chandelier. Meanwhile, a stepped / split terrace reduces the perceived height of the building mass and adds motion and progression to the design.
8. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel
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The Waldorf Astoria Hotel has been a popular choice for dignitaries, from presidents, royalty, and celebrities, who appreciate its luxurious amenities. Built in 1931, the New York hotel is a testament to the glamour and opulence of the Art Deco era.
It will also interest you to know that one of the most fascinating features of this design is marble. The building maintains powder grey mantels, flooring as well as walls inside the hotel lobby with marbled features. There are also French gilt overmantel mirrors, which are characteristic of the Art Deco, and they suggest movement and interest.
The hotel was reviewed and restyled in 2017-2019, but the Art Deco style remained the basis of the hotel’s interior design. The renovation work was done while retaining many of the Art Deco features of this hotel, for instance, the fire place mantels and the gilded-over mantel mirror that was newly installed; the hotel was equipped with new-era amenities such as a spa and a fitness facility.
9. The Marina City Towers
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The Marina City Towers in Chicago, Illinois, are a prime example of the Art Deco architectural style. The famous architect Bertrand Goldberg designed the towers, which were completed in 1964.
Nonetheless, looking at the two Marina City Towers, one is immediately seized by the roundish shape of the towers and their corncob-like appearance, ideas that simply have to be associated with the concentrated effort of the Art Deco towards a straight line, a rectangle, and the square. The towers also incorporate bands of windows that provide an extra element of movement for the structures.
The towers also contain concrete and steel, which are components of the Art Deco movement that make it look modern and industrial. The buildings are clad on the exterior with painted brick, glass, and aluminum.
10. The Rockefeller Center
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The New York City Rockefeller Center is a complex of 19 commercial buildings built between 1932 and 1940. It is one of the most iconic examples of Art Deco architecture in the United States. The center’s design was led by architects Raymond Hood and Wallace Harrison.
A striking feature of the Rockefeller Center is its skyscraper design, which is highly reminiscent of the Art Deco style’s emphasis on verticality and the use of setbacks. They have vertical greened terraces on top of the buildings that are recessed off the street providing the complex a noble signification.
There are also sculptural and architectural decorations – reliefs and friezes, characteristic of Art Deco that highly appreciated decorations. There are also a number of monumental sculptures in the complex, including the Prometheus sculpture which adorns the site’s colonnade.
In addition, there are such facilities as a popular skating rink and an observation deck, which were created for a contemporary and dynamic lifestyle; it is also a feature of Art Deco style architecture.
In a Nutshell
As you can notice, Art Deco architecture was one of the greatest cultural and design movements in the period, starting from the 1920s to the 20th century till the early 1930s. The main features of Art Deco are sleek lines, geometric patterns, and good taste due to the ornate sturdiness of the style.
From Rio de Janeiro to New York, Art Deco is still part of some of the world’s most iconic buildings, including the Christ The Redeemer and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Whether you fancy yourself a historian of architecture or are just an admirer of the realm of architectural designs Art Deco is unforgettable.
So the next time you come across an Art Deco building, do yourself the favor of admiring the work and acknowledging the creativity of the minds behind the masterpiece!