parthenon classical building

20 Classical Buildings Architects Should Know About

Ian Mutuli
Updated on
Ian Mutuli

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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Architecture serves as a medium for conveying narratives, with architects acting as the narrators. They share the evolution of our history, our origins, our perception of the world, the mindset of our forebears, and our future aspirations. Architecture caters not only to our necessities but also expresses our wishes.

What would the world be like without architects? We wouldn’t be able to experience so many things. It would not be possible to look at a building and see culture and identity from it. We would not be interested in a building that narrates the history of generations of people. And unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to leave our mark and be seen by our descendants. 

How Architects Contribute To Our World 

Architects allow us to represent ourselves. They translate our voices into brick and motor that will stay long after we are gone to guide the ones who will come after us. They express our fears, joys, pleasures, hobbies, and needs in a way that can be understood without words.

When we look at the brilliant buildings designed by architects throughout the years, we're able to learn a lot about our history. The storytellers may change but the story continues and the art of storytelling gets better.

This is why today we're looking at the 20 classical buildings that every architect should know about because we want our storytellers to keep getting better. So if you're an architect, we hope that this article inspires you to embrace the mantle of telling the story better.

Let's jump right in.

Classical Architecture

Classical architecture originated in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. It is known for its qualities of symmetry and proportions, unique columns, rectangular windows, and the use of marble or some other attractive durable stone. However, over the years other materials such as brick, stone, and concrete have been used to construct buildings using this principle.

Boldness, humility, and intellect are prized concepts that classical architecture embodies. Over the centuries, architects all over the world continue to draw upon classical architecture for inspiration and motivation. And you can too.

What makes a building classical?

Classical buildings are buildings that were constructed during the classical architecture era or follow the principles of classical architecture.

The Greeks were particularly keen on proportions and aimed to relate the individual architectural components to the whole structure. They based this system on three basic styles/orders that formed the core of Classical Greek Architecture. These are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

Drawings of the three Greek orders

The Romans however, went a step further and added two styles of their own which are Tuscan and Composite.

20 Classical Buildings Every Architect Should Know About

This article will focus on discerning the fabulous classical buildings that have inspired many architects to design wonderful buildings. It is interesting and clear to check the history books when it is proven that the growth occurs when one great piece of architecture inspires the next one. Here we provide you with some inspiration to get your creative minds running.

1. Colosseum 70-80 A.D. - by Vespasian

We begin with one of the greatest works of architecture and engineering. Also known as the colosseum, this work of art could seat 60,000 people and another 10,000 standing spectators.


Colosseum has 80 entrances and it is the largest amphitheater ever constructed. But it is also a symbol of Rome as well as great strength. This is a great classical building that has experienced lootings, earthquakes and even bombs during the second world war and still stands firm. It has been used as a castle, church, mausoleum, and even a storehouse in different historical periods. This is a classical structure which tells a lot about the roman empire and its history.

2. The Pantheon 118-125 A.D. - by Apollodorus of Damascus

Located in Rome, Italy, the Pantheon is ranked among the greatest spiritual buildings in the world. It was initially built as a Roman temple but it was later consecrated as a Catholic church which it remains till today. However, the Pantheon is devoted to the worship of every god and its name speaks to this. "Pan" means every and "Theon" means divinity.

 The Pantheon

Through the great bronze doors, you enter one great circular room. The whole space is illuminated by natural light which enters through the unglazed oculus at the center of the dome. Its monumental porch now fronts the Piazza della Rotonda. Previously, this porch faced a rectangular colonnaded temple courtyard.

3. Maison Carree 16-20 B.C. by Vitruvius

The Maison Carree is one of the best-preserved temples of the Roman Empire and was monumental in influencing the Classical Revival era. Although its name means "square house", it is rectangular and includes 33 columns built in Corinthian style.

Maison Carree

Located in Nimes, southern France, this classical building was commissioned by Marcus Agrippa and was constructed using local limestone. Maison Carree inspired many buildings such as the La Madeleine in Paris and Thomas Jefferson's Virginia State Capitol in 1806 and 1788 respectively.

4. Arch of Septimius Severus 203 A.D. - by an unknown architect

Arch of Septimius Severus

This monumental arch was commissioned by the emperor Septimus Severus to celebrate the great Roman victories over the Parthians. This was such a big deal that the Roman senate erected a bronze gilded inscription on the arch to honor Septimus and his two sons. It is still recognized as a unique triumphal monument by all standards and still stands in honour of the buoyant Roman Republic it once was.

5. Temples of Baalbek 9000 B.C. - by Antoninus Pius

Temples of Baalbek

Located in modern-day Lebanon, the Temples of Baalbek are one of the greatest wonders of the world. The temples are visited by many tourists from different countries for the purpose of admiring one of the most magnificent and preserved temples erected in ancient Roman times.

6. The Library of Celsus 114 C.E. - by architect Vitruoya

The Library of Celsus

The library of Celsus was actually a grandiose tomb that was built for Gaius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus by his son. It was one of the most stunning buildings of the Roman Empire with its ornately sculpted interiors and classical architecture. Even to this day, the surviving facade has retained its awesome decorations and reliefs.

7. The Parthenon 447-432 BCE - by  Ictinus & Callicrates

Do you like Greek mythologies or Greek myths? If you are you have probably heard of Athena the Goddess of war and Zeus daughter. If you have been to Athens then the image of the Parthenon towering over everything is still vivid: An image of strength and majesty.

The Parthenon

Being the main structure of the Acropolis building, the Parthenon is the most famous ancient Greek temple that is based on the Doric architecture style. The main purpose of this temple was to house the statue of Athena. Its Doric symmetry of 8 columns at the front and 17 columns at the sides was intentional. Those who wanted to see this colossal statue were not able to enter the temple and instead looked through the gaps.

8. Erechtheion 406 B.C. - by Mnesikles

Just like the Parthenon, the Erechthenion is a temple that was built in commemoration of the Gods and was used for religious rituals. This intricate temple was born of a complex plan because of the site in which it is situated. The uneven ground required strategic planning to allow for the proper construction of this monument.


Although both are constructed in the Doric style, the Erechthion strikingly differs from the Parthenon with its delicate forms and its elegance. The temple faces east and its entrance is lined with six Ionic columns. It has two porches one of which is on the southwest corner and is supported by 6 female statues famously known as the Caryatids. Truly a sight to behold.

9. Hephaisteion 460-450 B.C. - by The Hephaisteion Master

Another temple that was dedicated to the Goddess Athen is the Hephaisteion. The name, however, comes from the fact that it was also dedicated to Hephaistos, the God of Furnace. An intriguing fact is that this temple is made of mostly Pentelic marble while its base is made of limestone.


Located at the top of the hill of Agora, it has 6 columns at its front and rear and 13 columns on each of its sides. Although this classical building was originally dedicated to these two supernatural beings, it was later converted into a church in the 7th century; the church of St. Georgios.

10. Temple of Apollo 540 B.C. - Ictinus

Built using the Doric style and located in Corinth, Greece, this temple has 6 columns at each end and 15 columns along its sides. Built from fine-grained grey limestone, it was actually built to replace another temple. However, the sculptures and more decorative parts are made of marble.

Temple of Apollo

A unique feature of this classical building is that all the Greek styles were used in its construction. The Doric order was used on the outside for the columns, while Ionic and Corinthian were used on the inside designs.

11. Temple of Olympian Zeus 131 A.D. - by Antistates, Callaeschrus, Antimachides, and Phormos

Temple of Olympian Zeus

The Temple of Olympian Zeus is an ancient Greek temple dedicated to the “Olympian” Zeus and is also known as the Columns of the Olympian Zeus, located in Athens. It was the largest temple located in the middle of Athens and the work was started in the 6th century but was abated for reasons that are still unclear. It was under the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 131 A. D. that the work is resumed.

12. Odeon of Herodes Atticus 161 A.D. - by Herodes Atticus

This classical building was established by the Greek Herodes as a remembrance of his Roman wife called Aspasia Annia Regilla. It was originally a theatre of high pitch with the special roof made of exclusive cedar wood of Lebanon. In the active years this stone theatre could hold five thousand people.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus

In 1950 it was restored and the stage and auditorium were remodeled in marble from Pentelic. It now stages various Greek and international performances.

13. Temple of Hera 590 B.C. - by an unknown architect

Temple of Hera

The Temple of Hera is one of the oldest temples in Greece and is dedicated to the Greek goddess Hera and is located in Olympia. This temple has 16 columns and it is held that it was built with wood replaced by stone later. It was constructed in the Doric style.

14. Temple of Artemis 580 B.C. - by Chersiphron & Metagenes

The Temple of Artemis was founded in the suburbs of modern Garitsa in Corfu. It is considered the first temple built in Doric style. Moreover, the construction of St. Omobono is also assumed to have been inspired by the design of the sanctuary structure in Italy.

Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis can be considered as one of the most prominent examples of ancient Greek architecture due to its authenticity and grandeur.

15. The Great Theater of Epidaurus 340 B.C. - by Polykleitos the Younger

The Great Theater of Epidaurus

This is why the classical building was the perfect theatre in terms of design and could accommodate 14,000 people during play. Its acoustics and aesthetics are considered one of the best. The design features an auditorium, an orchestral area, and a stage building.

16. Stoa of Attalos 159 B.C. - by King Attalos II 

This classical architectural monument was built as a gift to Athens. King Attolos II of Pergamon founded it to return the favour for the time he spent there studying. The Stoa of Atalos was much bigger than any other structure that had been constructed in ancient Athens before.

Stoa of Attalos

This building was based on the Doric and Ionic styles and was constructed using Pentelic limestone and marble.

17. Temple of Hephaestus 415 B.C. - by Iktinos

This ancient Greek temple is found in the city of Agora and it is made using the Doric style of architecture. It is also interesting to note that the temple remains standing to this day as it was over 2500 years ago in 415 B. C. This temple is also known as Theseum and is dedicated to the God of fire called Hephaestus.

Temple of Hephaestus

It is built of Parian and Pentelic marble, has 6 columns in the east-west direction and 13 columns in the north-south direction.

18. Birmingham Town Hall 1832 - by Joseph Hansom & Edward Welch

Birmingham Town Hall

The Birmingham Town Hall was one of the first buildings of the 19th century to be built in the revived Roman architecture style. Today it is well known as a Grade I listed concert hall located in Victoria Square, Birmingham, England. Its construction sparked the design and build of the monumental town halls that characterize the cities of Victorian England.

19. The Civic Center, San Francisco 1912 - by Bakewell & Brown

The Civic Center, San Francisco

The Civic Center contains many of the city's largest cultural and governmental institutions. Many of its buildings are constructed in classical architectural style including its 2 plazas, the Civic Center Plaza and the United Nations Plaza.

20. The Hotel Ritz 1954 - by Charles Mewès & ‎Arthur Davis

Hotel Ritz, located in Paris and overseeing the Place Vendome numbered 15, is an octagon shaped hotel. It was among the pioneer hotels in Europe to install a telephone in the room and an ensuite bathroom and electricity. Today it is recognized as one of the most luxurious and prestigious hotels in the entire world.
The Hotel Ritz

A great fact about the modern symbol of classical architecture is that it was constructed behind the facade of the 18th century townhouse.


We hope that you've enjoyed this journey through the 20 classical buildings that preserve our history in time. Just like the ancient Greeks and Romans, you too can create powerful works of art just like the likes of Iktinos, Mnesikles, and Antoninus Pius.

We hope that this summary has inspired you to continue telling our stories through your brilliant works of creative design.


Ian Mutuli

About the author

Ian Mutuli

Founder and Managing Editor of Archute. He is also a graduate architect from The University of Nairobi, Kenya.
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