10 Colors That Go With Tan for Warm and Secure Interiors

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Brenda Nyawara

Brenda Nyawara is an editor at Archute. She is a graduate architect with a passion for edge-cutting ideas in design, fashion, art and modern world interests.
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Do you know any colors that go with tan? It is a versatile choice if you plan to use tan as your base color for interior design. However, if you are unsure where or how to start, you can pair it with many other colors.

You are probably already wondering what colors go with tan. But don't worry, we shall walk with you till you get what you like. You may use dull tan, especially when not paired with other colors. However, adding a few bright ones can make a real difference.

You must be aware of the accent colors that complement tan walls, whether you're using a tan on the lighter side or one with more gray, like the trendy "greige." Fortunately, you have many options depending on your preferences and striving aesthetic.

Tan Color Meaning

Colors have deeper meanings and can evoke emotions in viewers. Therefore, it would be best to examine what the hue represents when utilizing tan in your designs.

Did you know where the name tan comes from? It is derived from the process of turning animal hides into leather.

Tan has a meaning similar to that of brown. It is associated with the elements of earth, wood, wholesomeness, the house, hearth, and foundations.

Tan also evokes a sense of constancy, reliability, and safety, just like brown does. Due to its connection to the earth and the ground, tan signifies security, reliability, warmth, fertility, healing, honesty, and home.

Moreover, tan conveys sentiments of warmth, coziness, quiet, tranquility, and relaxation, as well as a sense of history and connection. It is linked to the terms "all-natural" and "organic."

Tan is a versatile color widely used in interior design, clothing, fashion, branding, and many more.

Colors That Go With Tan

1. Tan and White

All in all, the combination of white and tan colors in your home’s interior will definitely look classy. White is also a great way to achieve balance when tan is a predominant color in the environment.

Image Credits: Houzz

That can help avoid an impression of over-exuberance, which might be unnerving to some people. The white color also helps to illustrate that a space with a tan dominance is lighter.

Tan and white are suitable for any room of the house, whether it is the living room, the kitchen, the porch, or even the bedroom. The appearance of the room will not differ. Alternatively, a third color can be added to balance the entire color palette that you are using.

2. Tan and Purple

Tan wall paint or wallpaper will give your walls texture and weight, which is what you need.

Image Credits: elledecor.com

This addition will give white features more definition and contrast without obstructing natural light. Purple decorations, including flowers, area rugs, and accent pillows, give the sitting space a more luxurious feel.

3. Tan and Blue

If you want to play it safe, you should incorporate blue into your room, which has beige walls. Blue is a cool color that can be effectively used in bedrooms, bathrooms, and other zones, requiring a calming effect.

Image Credits: Awesome decors

Find a combination of shades of blue that you would like to have on your own and try different shades of it, from sky blue to navy. Do not be afraid to add some white, which is going to look very fresh when combined with the warm undertone of tan.

4. Tan and Yellow

Because people feel that yellow is a bright color and can easily dominate a space, it becomes an unstressed accent color. Use this color sparingly to ensure this does not happen.

Image Credits: Dengarden

You can also pick a color that has some gold to keep the accent warm and not to be overly shiny. To get an entirely different but elegant look, paint your walls in a warm tan hue and mix it with white and dark wood furniture.

If you wish to incorporate a dash of color into the tan walls, you can opt for one of these accent tones.

5. Tan and Teal

Teal is among the best options when using tan and a different color. In addition, teal creates an accentuating impression when combined with tan in home decor.

Image Credits: Home Decor Bliss

Teal brings a rich and soothing look to any room you use it in. This combination is also striking as they are contrasting colors. It is also a relaxing color and can be used for the bedroom, living room, or dining area.

6. Tan and Soft Green

Tan can be painted with any soft hue of green, whether warm or cool, to capture the lovely cottage or country look. Thus, green may bring something new to the interior, whereas brown always adds an earthy touch to it.

Image Credits: House Beautiful

To this pair, you can add other colors that are complementary to green so as to complete the perfection of this pair. The two colors, when blended, present a very unique look making it suitable to be used in most rooms.

7. Tan and Brown

Tan is a pale version of brown, and it adds a cozy ambiance to any space. Different shades of brown can pair perfectly with tan walls or couches.

Image Credits: Impressive Interior Design

The different shades will give your room enough toasty contrast, making it a perfect pair.

8. Tan and Black

Tan and black are related since they can contradict each other. So if you are interested in adding a more dramatic look, black is the best color in this case.

Image Credits: Home Decor Bliss

Black also gives a refined and elegant appearance. For instance, if you have a tan couch, you can paint the walls black or paint the walls tan or if you have black furniture you can paint the walls tan.

Make the dramatic effect even more noticeable by using a warm color scheme and elements. This combination is perfect because you can use it with as many colors as you like.

9. Tan and Red

Red is well recognized as a bright and brilliant color since it gives life to most rooms because of its brightness. The combination of red and tan is sharp, and the red color is associated with energy and ambiance.

Image Credits: TDF blog

However, when using red in decorating your interiors avoid overdoing it. Too much red could mean something else altogether. Use the two colors in moderation to create elegance.

It might also help to introduce some green plants to brighten up the area and make it warmer. You can even use live plants or artificial plants, depending on your preference. Furthermore, having a few more accent pieces of other colors that complement red would not be a bad idea either.

10. Tan and Soft Pink

Tan and pink create a nice feminine look. So, you can use this combination in your daughter's room. However, you can use the combination wherever you feel comfortable.

Image Credits: LuxDeco.com

The combo also creates a luxurious feel that you will not want to leave your space, especially if you create a woman-cave space. You can be more creative and use different shades of these two colors. Also, you can try to make one color more dominant.

If you want the room to look brighter, use a little more pink than tan, as pink is a lighter color.

Tan Living Room Ideas You Should Try

Now that you have already made up your mind that you will be using tan in your living room, what's the next step? We have seen colors that go with tan, but do you have any idea how to use the colors to create that feeling you long for? Let's look at these living room tan ideas to get you started.

1. Different Shades of Tan

As mentioned earlier, it is quite easy to maintain everything coordinated without having to be overly basic should you select various tones of tan and blend them into your living room.

Brighter and more vibrant colors of cushions and blankets can also make the place look more comfortable to be in.

2. Mixed Wooden Tones

Using different wood tones in a tan living room is another design suggestion. Using tan and wood together in your living room is a no-brainer because they complement each other well.

3. Rustic Details

Adding rustic details to your living room gives it a different vintage look. You don't have to use many colors when using rustic details and tan. However, you can get as creative as you like.

4. Dark Hardwood Flooring

It is also important to note that darker hardwood flooring complements tan color shades. If you wish to try something new, you can also try it. The choice is entirely yours, whether you want to add both modern and conventional home designs.

Frequently Asked Questions On Colors That Go With Tan

1. Should the walls be darker than the couch?

In general, it is recommended to order walls less vibrant than the couch. However, if a deeper hue is to be obtained, then one must endeavor to keep the contrast level down as far as possible for a look that is soft on the eyes.

Thin walls make the room look and feel more spacious and open than it really is. The use of darker hues for furniture ensures that the specific pieces can be the center of attention.

2. Is tan a cool or warm color?

Tan is a perfect warm neutral color you can use as a base for any tone-on-tone neutral space.

3. What is the difference between taupe and tan?

Often, people confuse taupe with tan, so you will see people using tan and taupe interchangeably. However, taupe is a darker brown-grey shade, an espresso gray rather than tan gray.

4. Does having an accent wall make a room look bigger?

A wall that is painted a darker color than the other walls in a room is an accent wall. An accent wall can make your space appear larger by giving the impression that it is farther away than it is.

Your wall will appear higher if you paint the trim with the same darker hue. Additionally, this will make your space appear larger.

Featured Image: Color-Name.com

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About the author

Brenda Nyawara

Brenda Nyawara is an editor at Archute. She is a graduate architect with a passion for edge-cutting ideas in design, fashion, art and modern world interests.
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