Backyard Monkey Bars: A Nice Backyard Playset

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Brenda Nyawara

Brenda Nyawara is an editor at Archute. She is a graduate architect with a passion for edge-cutting ideas in design, fashion, art and modern world interests.
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T swing sets, or a clean kiddie pool

Studies have shown t

So, if you want to lift your child’s spirits, or help them be less moody, or help them concentrate more efficiently, try spending more time outside.

What are Monkey Bars?

Monkey bars, also known as jungle gyms or climbing bars,

what are monkey bars?

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Types of Monkey Bars

Monkey bars come in different types, and some of the most common include the following;

a) Straight Monkey Bars

straight monkey bars

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b) Domed Monkey Bars

dome-shaped monkey bars

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c) Monkey Bars with Side Ladder

d) Wavy Monkey Bars

Wavy monkey bars have a curved design. Children that like challenging games will find this great for them as it’s more difficult to hold onto the bars.

wavy bars are suitable for kids who love challenge

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Importance Of Unstructured Play

There are many benefits of unstructured play. It allows

So why not give your child the gift of unstructured play? Create a space in your backyard where they can explore, imagine, and just be kids!

Why Monkey Bars Are Great

Monkey bars are a great addition to any backyard playground.

monkey bars enable kids to challenge themselves and their abilities

Image source:

Here are some reasons why monkey bars are great:

a) Encourages active play.

b) Promotes Problem-Solving Skills.

c) Helps Build Confidence.

d) Relieves Stress

d) Improves Posture

Good posture also;

    • Decreases risk of joint degeneration
    • Relieves muscle strain
    • Improves core strength

e) Improves Fine and Gross Motor Skills

f) Provides full body workout

Monkey bars are a strenuous piece of equipment.

Vuly Play

Vuly Play is an Australian company that T

kids having fun

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What to Consider When Buying Backyard Monkey Bars

Before buying monkey bars for your backyard, you need to consider the following;

a) Sizes

b) Type

c) Ease of Installation

You wouldn’t like to get monkey bars that would give you a headache to install.

d) Material and Durability

e) Check the Safety


f) Supervision

Safety Guidelines When Using Backyard Monkey Bars

a) Check Before Use

b) Don’t Play on Wet Bars


c) Don’t Play on Broken Equipment

Monkey Bar Exercises for Adults to Try Out

a) Pull-Up

Pull-up I

pull ups is one of the exercises for building the upper body

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b) Side Swing

c) Weaving

monkey bar weaving

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d) Typewriter


e) The Dip

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Photo of author

About the author

Brenda Nyawara

Brenda Nyawara is an editor at Archute. She is a graduate architect with a passion for edge-cutting ideas in design, fashion, art and modern world interests.
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